Monday, November 16, 2009

The weekend....

I went camping with two friends from work last night, and apart from the rain this morning which made packing up miserable, it was a wonderful time! We have decided to try and make it a monthly is such a stress-reliever for me to be out of St. Louis, and even better to be out in nature!

This is where we went, Mark Twain Lake, gorgeous!

I now have a very wet tent sitting in my bathtub just waiting for dry weather so it can be set up and aired out....

On a sad note, Matt left this weekend for's going to be hard to be far away from him...and hard not to be jealous of where he is!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Some things....

Betsy and I have decided to start this up again.....I think its good, sometimes I think of things that should be shared with the world.

An update:
-I am in nursing school now and it is crazy stressful, but I am very happy with it thus far, as in I have not changed my mind and wanted to change my career path (yet again).
-I STILL work at The Fountain on Locust (which everyone should check out). It is a great place with great people (which is why I hold onto it even though I never want to go to work).
-I miss Betsy.

Something old: hilarious and wonderful

Something new: Well, its been on for awhile now, but GLEE is my new obsession....I don't normally keep up with TV shows but I will stop the world to watch this one.

Something borrowed: First linked from my roomie Claire's blog and thought it should be shared....maybe. Gaga is CRAZY. Very tempting to go to her show in January but it is probably sold out already and I don't really have $$ :(

Something blue: Love this.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hi, my name is Betsy, and I'm addicted to Marketplace.

Throughout the semester, my Economics professor has repeatedly encouraged my class to listen to Marketplace, a radio show put on by American Public Media that focuses on topics of economics and business. Before the occurrence of recent events, when Dr. Gillette mentioned the show, I would simply mentally roll my eyes and then forget about his advice as soon as a walked out of the classroom door; however, one day, in a fit of boredom and procrastination, I figure I would check it out. And now I can't stop.

There is a variety of shows to listen to (or watch!), ranging from sixty seconds to fifty minutes in length. The 10-minute morning report comes out daily at 6:30, so I listen to that while drinking my coffee and waking up. I usually try to catch the longer show sometime in the afternoon. One of my favorite tidbits is Marketplace Minute, a weekly video publication that sums up the week's business and economics news in a 60-second poem. Here is the most recent update:

Marketplace Minute With Bill Radke 11/06 from Marketplace on Vimeo.

I can't decide if it's a good or bad thing that Marketplace provides me with a guilt-free means of procrastinating; seeing as a teacher told me I should listen to it, I can do that instead of other homework, right?